CS:GO 练习模式指令
这些命令要在聊天框中使用,利用游戏内的字母键 T
让你在你所站的地方重生 (.stop
, .tbot
: 和.bot
在你所看的点上添加一个机器人 (similar to the bot_place
- 如果已执行/readyup
为 1,则将你标记为已准备。别名:/rdy
- 如果已执行/readyup
为 1,则将你标记为未准备。别名:/notready
- 如果比赛进行中,则显示比分。别名:/score
- 如果准备面板关闭,则显示准备面板。别名:/i
- 取消半场并将所有玩家设为未准备状态。别名:/nl
- 取消半场并将所有玩家设为未准备状态。别名:/cm
- 如果wm_autoready
为 0,则需要使用此命令来启动/停止准备系统。别名:/ru
- 打开或重新启动 ReadyUp 系统。别名:/ron
- 关闭已启用的 ReadyUp 系统。别名:/roff
- 强制所有玩家准备。别名:/far
- 强制所有玩家取消准备。别名:/faur
- 忽略玩家和准备计数,开始比赛。别名:/fs
- 忽略比赛状态,结束比赛。别名:/fe
/minready <num>
- 设置或显示wm_min_ready
控制台变量/maxrounds <num>
- 设置或显示wm_max_rounds
- 手动将所有玩家换到对立队伍/t
- 设置恐怖分子和反恐精英队伍名称 - 注意:不再更改wm_t
- 切换 CVARwm_active
- 清除所有金钱、武器和 C4,并执行wm_knifeconfig
- 取消刀战回合。别名:/ck
General commands
Opens the client settings menu
Saving grenade positions
Displays a menu to select saved grenade positions. .nades
with no argument shows all nades. filter
can be any of: nade ids, category name, player name, or part of a grenade name
.nades [filter]
Displays a menu of all saved grenades by category
Saves your current position as a grenade spot with the given name
.save <name>
Teleports you to a player's saved grenade (or your own if no player is named)
.goto <grenadeid>
Deletes the last grenade of yours that you used .goto (or .nades) to teleport to
Searches all grenade names for a text match
.find <text>
Modifying a saved grenade
All of the following commands can only be used on your grenades. They will apply to the last saved grenade you went to, whether by .save
, .nades
, or .goto
Adds a grenade description to your last grenade
.desc <description>
Renames your last grenade
.rename <new name>
Adds a category to your last grenade
.addcat <category> ...
Removes a category from your last grenade
.removecat <category>
Removes all categories on your last grenade
Removes a category from all of your saved grenades
.deletecat <category>
Copies another user's grenade and saves it for you
.copy <username> <grenadeid>
Sets a delay on your last grenade. This is only used when using .throw against a category
.setdelay <delay>
Testing grenades
Teleports you back to where you threw your last grenade from
Teleports you back a position in your grenade history (you can also do .back 5
to go to the 5th grenade you threw, for example)
Teleports you forward a position in your grenade history
Saves you position to test flashbangs against it. Use this command in a spot you want to try to blind, then move and throw the flashbang; you will be teleported back to the position and see how effective the flashbang is. Use .stop
to cancel.
Automatically throws all grenades matching the filter. With no filter, throws the last grenade you threw.
.throw [filter]
Makes it so no flashbangs will blind you (they still blind others)
Spawn commands
Makes you respawn at the spot you are standing (.stop
to cancel)
Teleports you to a spawn #, using your team's spawns (CT or T). Closest spawn is used if no argument is given
.spawn <number>
Same as .spawn, but using CT only regardless of what team you are on
.ctspawn <number>
Same as .spawn, but using T only regardless of what team you are on
.tspawn <number>
Saves the closest spawn to you under a name, which can then be gone to via .spawn <name>
.namespawn <name>
Teleports you to your team's closest spawn from your current position
Teleports you to your team's furthest spawn from your current position
Bot commands
Opens the bot menu for easier access to most of the below commands
Adds a bot where you're standing (or crouching!); .crouchbot
to force a crouching bot
Same as .bot
, but forces the bot's team to CT or T
Adds a bot at the point you're looking at (similar to the bot_place
Spawns a bot boosting you (crouch-boosting if you're crouching); .crouchboost
to force a crouching bot
Swaps your position with the nearest bot (temporarily, the bot will respawn in the original spot still)
Moves the last bot you placed to your current position
Removes the bot you're aiming at (can also use .kickbot
or .removebot
Clears all bots (.clearbots
, .removebots
, .kickbots
also work)
Saves all current bots to a file
Loads bots from the file (written by the last .savebots
Miscellaneous commands
Starts a timer when you start moving in any direction, and stops it when you stop moving, telling you the duration of time between starting/stopping
Starts a timer immediately and stops it when you type .timer2 again, telling you the duration of time
Starts a countdown timer for the duration specified (in seconds), defaulting to the round duration (the mp_roundtime
.countdown <duration>
Speeds up the server clock briefly so smokes dissipate quickly
Give a number of seconds and a chat command, the command will automatically repeat at the given interval. For example: .repeat 3 .throw
repeats .throw every 3 seconds
.repeat <interval> <command>
Runs the given chat command after a given duration (in seconds)
.delay <duration> <command>
Changes map (you can use a map name like .map de_dust2
or just .map
to get a menu)
Disables most practicemode settings (leaving infinte money on), restarts the round, and sets freezetime to sm_practicemode_dry_run_freeze_time
(default 6) - you can also use .dry
Enables a partially-named setting, or "all" settings.
.enable <arg>
Disables a partially-named setting, or "all" settings.
.disable <arg>
Temporarily saves a position so you can .back
to it (this adds the position to the list of grenade positions you've thrown)
Toggles god mode (alias for the god
command in console; requires sv_cheats to be on)
Ends the round (alias for the endround
command in console; requires sv_cheats to be on)
Breaks all func_breakable entities (most windows)
Cancels a current action (this can stop many things: the .flash command, the .repeat command, and the .timer command)
, .t
, .ct
: joins a team
Bot replay commands
Note: bot replay support is currently a work in progress. It's not ready for general use yet. Installing the dhooks extension is also a good idea if you plan using these commands. Expect random crashes if you use these.
Opens replay mode menu
Opens the replay mode menu, or the last replay/role menu you had open
Names the replay you're currently working on
Names the role you're currently working on
Finishes and saves current recording
Cancels current replay/recording
Plays a replay id (all the roles), or a single role from a replay
.play <id> [role]
Also see the notes for power users for more detail on using these commands effectively.